Episode 14

In this story, Tim shares his story about choosing what a path after leaving the Air Force. Major life choices are difficult because they matter. Most folks getting out of the military to find themselves having to make major choices about what to do, where to live, and who they want to connect with. In this story, Tim shares how...[ read more ]

Episode 13

A Interview with Mindfulness Master, Chris Griffin Mindfulness Master, Chris Griffin came on to share his story of growing up as an Irish Catholic, moving from music to business, to counseling and how he blends those experiences into his successful life. In this episode, you will learn a lot about mindfulness, cognitive behavioral therapy, and how Chris used those skills...[ read more ]

Episode 12

Interview with John Marx, Developing Resilience Among First Responders We are so lucky to have John Marx with us for this episode. John has a lifetime of service, 23 years as a police officer in Colorado who now works as an educator and advocate for the responder community. I know him from our work in ResponderStrong, an organization here in...[ read more ]

Episode 11

Settling into Stability In this episode, Tim shares his story of settling into his new life in Denver at 19. Coming from the stress of his family, learning to just be a student came slowly, but it helped him learn how to enjoy stability and how to leave space for happiness.

Episode 10

Fatherhood - A Interview with Child Therapist Jeff Silverman Jeff and I chat about how he knew he wanted to work with children, how fatherhood has impacted him, and how we often see fathers struggle in our work. If you're in the Denver area and are looking for a therapist for your child, Jeff is a great resource. Here is...[ read more ]


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