Veterans And First Responders

Service often comes at a cost. I have few regrets about my time in uniform, but my loved ones and I paid a price for that service. It took time, support, and a lot of hard work to heal myself and repair the relationships in my life. In my practice, I hope to repay those who supported me by continuing to serve our community and provide my clients with the skills, support, and safety they need to heal and connect with their loved ones.

Each of us has a different story, and I hope in sharing yours with me, we can help you find the skills and knowledge to make the change in your life that you are looking for. Give me a call, and we’ll see if I am the right therapist for you.


Military and Veteran Community

I am a member in good standing of Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1 and the newly founded American Legion Post 5280. I highly value my veteran community and am proud to be both part of, and in service to, our military community.

First Responder Community

Foundation 1023 Website
Foundation 1023 is a non-profit dedicated to providing care for First Responders. With their support, I can provide free, short-term therapy for First Responders without any involvement with their department or benefits.

ResponderStrong Website
ResponderStrong TM is a group of Colorado emergency responders working in collaboration with the National Behavioral Health Innovation Center to create a platform for mental wellness that serves emergency responders across the state. Members come from law enforcement, EMS, dispatch, fire, and their advocates.

(720) 443-1278

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