Episode 12

Interview with John Marx, Developing Resilience Among First Responders

We are so lucky to have John Marx with us for this episode. John has a lifetime of service, 23 years as a police officer in Colorado who now works as an educator and advocate for the responder community. I know him from our work in ResponderStrong, an organization here in Colorado trying to coordinate and develop resources for first responders in Colorado. He shares his story on burn out, trauma, and how he’s leveraged his experiences to empower the responder community to be stronger, healthy, and effective.

For more about John and his organization Cops Alive, go to http://www.copsalive.com/

You can find his book Armor Your Self at: https://armoryourself.com/

For a way to connect with John and his team for education or speaking, events go to:

To learn more about ResponderStrong, the organization John and I are working with, go to: https://responderstrong.org/

We spoke about many resources, leaders, and books in the episode. The one that I would recommend above the others is Angela Duckworth’s “Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance.”


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