Office of Behavioral Health Approved Trainer for the following Courses:
Motivational Interviewing is defined:
“… a goal-oriented, client-centered counseling style for eliciting behavior change by helping clients to explore and resolve ambivalence. Compared with non-directive counseling, it’s more focused and goal-directed. It departs from traditional Rogerian client-centered therapy through this use of direction, in which therapists attempt to influence clients to consider making changes, rather than non-directively explore themselves.”
I consistently incorporate Motivational Interviewing in my clinical practice. It provides powerful tools to keep my sessions focused on my clients, their goals, and re-enforces my acceptance that clients are both capable of, and the primary force for change in their lives. Teaching clinicians how to use this framework to improve their practice is one of the favorite trainings I offer. There is a growing need for competent addictions professionals and these tools are data proven to improve treatment outcomes for clients struggling with addiction. If you intend to serve this population, Motivational Interviewing is a must have for your clinical tool box. To that end, I offer onsite training for both Motivational Interviewing and Advanced Motivational Interviewing
Motivational Interviewing
Requirements: 3 Days for a total of 21 hours. Minimum 6, Maximum 12 participants.
Includes Videos, Lecture/Discussion, real play, and recorded skill demonstration of the students.
Fulfills CAT, CAS, and LAC requirements
At the completion students will be able to:
- Verbalize a working definition of MI and the roots and principles of MI framework
- Define the core concepts in Motivational Interviewing
- Demonstrate the ability to use the OARSI through at least one videotaped session that the trainer will use to score the student on the MI adherence scale.
- Recognize, elicit and reinforce the client stage of change
- Develop an action plan agreement for a next step with the client matched to stage of readiness for change
- Practice recognizing, eliciting and reinforcing change talk (DARN-CAT)
- Integrate MI skills of active listening and reflection to empower inter-professional communication on the integrated healthcare team with consumers, family members, and other providers
- Define the Spirit of MI
- Understand MI as a research-based and evidence-based best practice
- Define the history and development of MI and the role of Carl Rogers, William Miller and Stephen Rollnick
- Understand the use of MI utilizing Colorado specific research sources
- Understand the application of MI in diverse clinical settings in Colorado
- Understand how to increase MI consistent interventions and decrease MI inconsistent interventions in the addiction counseling profession
- Be able to identify MI resources for use in the professional development of the addiction counselor.
Advanced Motivational Interviewing:
Requirements: 2 Days for a total of 14 hours. Minimum 6 Maximum 12 participants.
Includes Videos, Lecture/Discussion, real play, and recorded skill demonstration of the students.
Fulfills CAS, and LAC requirements
At the completion students will be able to:
- Explain the what, why, where, and how of Motivational Interviewing
- Verbalize key concepts of MI including the Stages of Change, MI Skills, Spirt, and Change Talk
- Identify the flow of a MI client (MI style and spirit, client-centered, exploration of ambivalence, and client readiness for change)
- Assess and identify MI consistent and MI inconsistent behaviors.
- Describe counselor traps to avoid.