Episode 15

Becoming Whole – A interview with Ben Obrien

Ben Obrien, Fire Fighter, Life Coach, and a good friend comes on to share his stories. He shares how he was able to grow into one of the more competent and impactful people in his field.

Ben Obrien is a father, friend, and person in the world. He has also been a Fire Fighter and EMT for over two decades and has recently built a coaching business helping men develop the skills needed to meet and beat their personal goals. In this episode, Ben shares his story and struggles of joining the fire service, finding his needs for connection ran deeper than his work, and how he incorporated the strength of his Bi-Polar diagnosis into his toolbox to build the connections he needs for a full life. For more information about Ben, visit his website: https://www.bentonobrien.com/.


(720) 443-1278

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